Sunday, October 11, 2009

Alexa and Alyse Part 2

Here are a few sisterly love pictures I took of the second half of the day.

Alexa and Alyse Part 1

I decided to switch things up this weekend and do a hobby photo shoot. I asked Alexa and Alyse if I could do a shoot of them in action doing the things they love. Here is a few pictures from our Sunday afternoon shoot.

Alyse has a passion for ballet. I asked her to show me some of what she has learned in the last past few weeks. Here she is in action.

Alexa and her guitar...

Thanks girls for helping me switch it up. You were great!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My beautiful sister, Ang's maternity shoot!

My sister was kind enough to be my first official client and let me shoot her maternity pictures. We decided to shoot at our high school since it's where her and her husband Mike met. She is one of the most beautiful people I know so this was an extremely easy shoot. :) Out of 500 pictures these were a few of my favorite.

This is my favorite picture of the day!

Ang posing with a Lily flower and a little Lillie in her belly.

Mike was such a good sport!

Precious Baby Lillie.

Mommy has trained Ellie well! She told me "Auntie Andrea, I want to sit here and take pictures." Great location pick Ellie Girl!

Ang brought her and Mike's senior yearbook to show Ellie how it all began. Ellie was so excited!

Daddy and Ellie with the letter "L" for Baby Lillie!

Ellie is going to be such a great big sister!

I only hope I look this great when I'm pregnant!

Thanks again to the Bridgford's. You made my job way too easy! I can't wait to be able to share these with Baby Lillie when she gets older. :)


Auntie Andrea